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Our Publishing Services

We offer comprehensive publishing services that cover all aspects, from approved manuscripts to the production of print and online deliverables.

Editorial Services

Our editorial services for STEM journals encompass a wide range of essential tasks to ensure the quality and coherence of published articles.

XML Conversion

We specialize in converting various document types, including NLM/JATS/BITS or any customer-specific DTD/schema.

Typesetting Services

Our typesetting services for academic publishers offer precise and professional formatting of manuscripts, ensuring consistency and visual appeal.

Journal Hosting

We give both static and dynamic web support the publishing process, including Submission, Peer-review, and Online Publication as well as Secure Library for Content. Journal directors retain full control over publications by opting the stylish programs (e.g., brand, access, peer-review, conflict of interest, etc.). We give both Hosting and Support for the use of the journal publishing platform.

Our journal hosting results offer:

Choosing the Right Hosting for Your Journal

You may either host your journal with arXivit domain or use your own domain for your journal. Still, it’s possible to import the files to arXivit, If your journal is formerly hosted on another platform and have backfiles in XML and/or PDF formats.

When could you use our hosting?
Data Security and Encryption

ISSN: 2682-2199, e-ISSN: 2682-2202

Materials Science Bulletin

ISSN: 2682-2237, e-ISSN: 2682-2245

Nanoscale Sciences

ISSN: 2682-2253, e-ISSN: 2682-2261

Neuroscience Open

ISSN: 2682-227X, e-ISSN: 2682-2288


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